West Overton Utility District


  • Fix leaky faucets, showerheads, and pipes throughout your home. A leak of one drop of water per second wastes more than 3,000 gallons of water per year.
  • Don’t let the water run while brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Replace standard showerheads and faucets with low flow showerheads and faucet aerators. You should be able to read 2.0 gallons per minute or less printed on the side of your shower fixture and faucet aerator. If the numbers are higher, replace them with low flow fixtures from the Self Help store or the local hardware store.
  • Make sure your toilet flapper doesn’t stick open after flushing. Drop your used facial tissue and dead bugs in the trash instead of flushing them down the toilet.
  • Run full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine.
  • When doing laundry, if you can’t make a full load, match the water level to the size of the load.
  • When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run in between rinses. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water. Soak your pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you scrape them clean.
  • Don’t use running water to thaw food.
  • Sweep patios and driveways with a broom? Don’t use a hose to flush debris off the cement.
  • Don’t forget to check outdoor faucets, pipes, and hoses for leaks.

* Rental Water Activation

Deposit $200.00 + Service Charge $25.00 = $225.00

* Property Owner Water Activation

Deposit $100.00 + Service Charge $25.00 = $125.00

* Property Owner 3/4 inch New Water Line Tap

Tap Fee $1000.00 + System Improvement Fee $800.00 + Deposit $100.00 + Service Charge $25.00 = $1,925.00

* Rental Property 3/4 inch New Water Line Tap

Tap Fee $1000.00 + System Improvement Fee $800.00 + Deposit $200.00 + Service Charge $25.00 = $2,025.00

* Property Owner 3/4 inch New Water Meter Were Property Has Already Been Developed And Has Meter Box

System Improvement Fee $800.00 + Deposit $100.00 + Service Charge $25.00= $925.00

* Cut Lock Charge $100.00

* Disconnection Service Charge  $30.00

* Return Check and Bank Draft Charge $30.00

0 – 1,500 gallons—— $25.73 + tax

Next – 4,500 gallons— $8.93 per thousand + tax (1,500 – 6,000)

Next – 4,000 gallons— $9.45 per thousand + tax (6,000 – 10,000)

Over – 10,000 gallons- $9.98 per thousand + tax

When Paying in person

Please bring your entire bill with you.


For your convenience we accept

Visa, Master Card, Discover, Checks, Money Orders & Cash

When paying by check or money order please include your account number to insure proper credit.


Please mail payments to:

West Overton Utility District

P.O. Box 278

Rickman, TN 38580-0278


After hours Drop box

The drop box is located on the front left corner of the building for your convenience. –Payments– is written on the front of the box.


Automatic Bank Draft

Here’s how it works: you receive your bill in the mail around the 1st of the month, so you will know the amount of the bill before the draft occurs, next, the on time amount will be deducted from

your checking or savings acct on the 10th of each month, or the next business day after the 10th. NEVER ANY LATE CHARGES, NO STAMPS TO BUY, NO WATER PAYMENTS LOST IN THE



Online Payments

Pay Your Bill over the web.

We read the water Meters the 12th thru the 19th of every month.

Water Bills are sent out the last week of the month. Should get bill between the 1st and 3rd of the month.

Water Bills are Due On Time the 1st thru the 10th of the month.

Payments after the 10th will be charged a 10% late fee.

Bills received through the United States Postal Service (USPS) are considered on time when postmarked by the 10th of the month.

Bills postmarked after the 10th of the month are considered late and late charges are applied accordingly.

Bills received without a postmark are considered to have the same postmark as the majority of the mail it wasa received with and late charges are applied accordingly.

Bills received in the night deposit are considered on time until the office opens at 8:00AM the next business day following the 10th day of the month.

Bills are also considered on time when received in the office or drop box until 4:00PM the next business day when the 10th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday that the utility was closed.


Water Bills not paid by the 15th of the month will be locked for none payment.