684 Rickman Monterey Highway
Rickman, TN 38580
8 AM - 4:30 PM
Monday - Friday
West Overton Utility District was created in early 1970 to provide clean and safe potable water to the Southwestern quarter of Overton County Tennessee. WOUD now consists of 3,200 water meters, 3 water storage tanks, 2 pumping stations and approximately 150 miles of water line. We purchase treated water from The City of Livingston, and The City of Algood which purchases treated water from The City of Cookeville.
We have 3 full time employees, 1 part time backhoe operator and 3 board members. Our full time employees are Tyler Copeland, general manager, employed since 2017 and a Grade II Distribution License; and Tammy Hinson, secretary, employed since 2006, and Tanner Nolen. Our 3 board members are Brenda Winningham, Maurice Copeland and Gary Ledbetter. All of our board members have completed the training and continuing education from the Tennessee Association of Utility Districts, which is required by the State of Tennessee for a utility district commissioner2
Brenda Winningham
Maurice Copeland
Gary Ledbetter